Leading singularities in Baikov representation and Feynman integrals with uniform transcendental weight

Differential equations are a powerful tool for computing Feynman integrals. Their solution is straightforward if one can find a transformation to a certain ‘canonical’ form. An algorithmic way to construct the necessary transformation is therefore highly desired, and recent years have seen numerous works in this direction. In this talk, I will first introduce the relevant set of Feynman integrals and their differential equations for a given scattering problem and then explain how a canonical basis of integrals can be found through analysing their leading singularities. In addition, I will introduce a method for finding more general (hypergeometric) canonical integrals and show how these can be related to the desired family of Feynman integrals. A two-loop family with three external masses is used to provide examples, as well as show the applicability of the method to state-of-the-art problems.

Wednesday, 26th May 2021, 14:30 — Zoom seminar