Dissecting the collinear structure of quark splitting at NNLL

Higher-order splitting kernels are a subject of continued interest as they comprise an essential ingredient for enhancing the logarithmic accuracy of parton showers. We use the groomed jet mass spectrum, in e+e- collisions, as an anchor to dissect the collinear dynamics of quark splitting at NLO. In the first part of the talk, I will show how to obtain the NNLL structure of the groomed jet mass directly from triple-collinear splitting functions. I will then move to discussing how one may extract B_2^q(z), an object that defines a differential version of the coefficient B_2^q which enters the quark form factor at NLO. This object should offer a starting point towards designing higher-order parton showers. As a bonus, I will use the results to shed light on the resummation structure of generic groomed observables in a QCD-based approach.

*Tuesday, 2nd November 2021, 14:30 — Zoom seminar *