The TMD Parton Branching method: Monte Carlo based on Transverse Momentum Dependent parton distributions

The success of experiments in High Energy Physics relies on the accuracy of Monte Carlo (MC) predictions. The field of MC generators is now in a phase of active development before the start of new experiments and machines for which the highest precision is a demand. The commonly used MC generators are based on collinear factorization which assumes the partons are collinear with the hadron they are constituents of. For some classes of observables, with more than one relevant energy scale, this assumption is not enough and the transverse degrees of freedom must be considered. This can be achieved in a theoretical framework of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) factorization. The study of the 3D structure of hadrons is also one of the main points in the agendas of newly planned accelerators. In my talk, I present the TMD Parton Branching (PB) method: an MC approach to obtain high-energy QCD predictions based on ideas originating from the TMD factorization. I explain the main concepts behind the parton branching algorithm implemented within the TMD PB method and discuss some aspects of the TMD evolution in this approach. I make connections with standard collinear and TMD approaches for parton evolution and present some of the PB applications to the LHC as well as lower energy experiments.

Wednesday, 8th March 2023, 14:30 — Sala Wataghin