In this directory one can find version 1.9 (fully massive) of WPHACT. There are 3 fortran files to be linked together: wphact1_9.for ee4fm1_9.for ee_4b1_9.for The file wph1_9.ste is a steering file with several explanations in it The other two files wph1_9.ste1 and wph1_9.ste2 are just an example of unweighted event generation: one first runs wph1_9.ste1 and then wph1_9.ste2 . The only differences between the two files is in this three points: < irepeat 0 --- > irepeat 2 < nflevts --- > nflevts 10 < ijetset 0 --- > ijetset 1 In the second run one specifies that it is a repetition (irepeat=2), that the number of unweighted events wanted is 10 and that jetset must be applied to the 10 unweighted events generated in the second run The results of these two runs are contained in wph1_9.res1 and wph1_9.res2 .