In this directory one can find version 1.95 (fully massive) of WPHACT. Get wph1_95.tar Execute tar -xvf wph1_95.tar You will find all fortran files and also an example of makefile (for digital unix) which create an executable wphact.exe To run it, use a steering file of the type of the example evmv_200_run_del.ste you can find in this directory. In the steering file several explanations on how to use the program and its options are included. Fully massive processes and their flags (iproc, ich) are indicated in Of course one can also run the processes of version 1.0 by choosing the flag imass=0 . ************************************************* 1/29/2001 In the routine fxn.f one line has been added (line 185) and one has been changed (line 228)