Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors

En It


The final goal of the UFSD project is to develop a finely segmented silicon sensor able to reach resolutions of ~10 picoseconds and ~ 20-30 microns. We plan to reach this goal by implanting an extra doping layer to achieve controlled charge multiplication.

A summary of the project can be found at this link: Cern Detector Seminar, 2014

References can be found here, conferences here

Torino is leading the project, with activities in sensor design, testing and simulation.

Weightfield2 a simulation program for Silicon and Diamond detectors, explained here . The irradiation model is explained here

This project is developed within the INFN gruppo V and RD50 Collaboration at CERN. We thank the Ministero degli Affari Esteri (MAE) for the important contribution within the program of Significant Bilateral Italy-USA projects.

The project is supported by an ERC advanced grant.