The files available are: shows the results from the GO filter where the couple AGCTCATC_AAAAGAAA (or better the equivalence class idividuated by this couple wrt the equivalence relation EQU2 ) is associated with the GO:0005730 with P-value 10**(-14.144182).
The GO:0005730 is "nucleolus" and is a cell component ("C" vs "P" process).
This P-value has been computed using the hypergeometric distribution applied to the case where there are two subsets one of 217 genes and the other of 65 genes out of 6591 genes and they have 20 common genes. The first set is the set of all the genes annotated to GO:0005730 and the other is the set of genes whose upstream contains AGCTCATC_AAAAGAAA.


Last change to this page: March 15,2005