(**************** Parameters *************) M$ParametersHiggsBasis = { (* MH == { *) (* TeX -> Subscript[M, H], *) (* ParameterType -> External, *) (* Value -> 125., *) (* Description -> "H mass: MH < MS"}, *) (* MS == { *) (* TeX -> Subscript[M, S], *) (* ParameterType -> External, *) (* Value -> 250., *) (* Description -> "S mass: MH < MS"}, *) (* Mixing angle *) sinalf == { TeX -> Subscript[s, \[Alpha] ], ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False, Value -> 0.3, ParameterName -> sinalf, Description -> "sine of the scalar mixing angle" }, cosalf == { TeX -> Subscript[c, \[Alpha] ], ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, Value -> Sqrt[1-sinalf^2], ParameterName -> cosalf, Description -> "cosine of the scalar mixing angle"}, (*Higgs selfcouplings *) mu1 == { ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, Value -> vev^2 l1 + sev^2 l3/2, Definitions -> { mu1 -> vev^2 l1 + sev^2 l3/2}, TeX -> Subscript[\[Mu], H], ParameterName -> mu1, Description -> "Coefficient of the quadratic piece of the Higgs potential"}, mu2 == { ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, Value -> sev^2 l2 + vev^2 l3/2, Definitions -> { mu2 -> sev^2 l2 + vev^2 l3/2}, TeX -> Subscript[\[Mu], S], ParameterName -> mu2, Description -> "Coefficient of the quadratic piece of the Singlet potential"}, l1 == { ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, TeX -> Subscript[\[Lambda], 1], InteractionOrder -> {QED,2}, Value -> (MH^2 cosalf^2 + MS^2 sinalf^2)/2/vev^2, Definitions -> { l1 -> (MH^2 cosalf^2 + MS^2 sinalf^2)/2/vev^2 }, ParameterName -> l1, Description -> "Higgs quartic coupling"}, l2 == { ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, TeX -> Subscript[\[Lambda], 2], Value -> (MH^2 sinalf^2 + MS^2 cosalf^2)/2/sev^2, Definitions -> { l2 -> (MH^2 sinalf^2 + MS^2 cosalf^2)/2/sev^2 }, InteractionOrder -> {QED,2}, ParameterName -> l2, Description -> "Singlet quartic coupling"}, l3 == { ParameterType -> Internal, ComplexParameter -> False, TeX -> Subscript[\[Lambda], 3], Value -> (MS^2 - MH^2) sinalf cosalf/sev/vev, Definitions -> { l3 -> (MS^2 - MH^2) sinalf cosalf/sev/vev }, InteractionOrder -> {QED,2}, ParameterName -> l3, Description -> "Higgs-Singlet quartic coupling"}, tgb == { ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False, TeX -> tg\[Beta], Value -> 3.0, ParameterName -> tgb, Description -> "tgb = vev/sev" } }; (* *********************************** *) (* *) (* ***** Higgses ***** *) (* *) (* *********************************** *) M$HiggsFields = { (* Higgs: unphysical scalars *) S[11] == { ClassName -> Phi1, Unphysical -> True, Indices -> {Index[SU2D]}, FlavorIndex -> SU2D, SelfConjugate -> False, QuantumNumbers -> {Y -> 1/2}, Definitions -> { Phi1[1] -> -I GP, Phi1[2] -> (vev + sinalf S + cosalf H + I G0)/Sqrt[2] } }, S[12] == { ClassName -> SH0, SelfConjugate -> True, Unphysical -> True, Definitions -> { SH0 -> (sev + cosalf S - sinalf H )/Sqrt[2] } }, (* Higgs: goldstone boson *) S[21] == { ClassName -> G0, SelfConjugate -> True, Goldstone -> Z, Mass -> {MZ, 91.1876}, Width -> {WZ, 2.4952}, PropagatorLabel -> "Go", PropagatorType -> D, PropagatorArrow -> None, PDG -> 250, ParticleName -> "G0", FullName -> "G0" }, S[22] == { ClassName -> GP, SelfConjugate -> False, Goldstone -> W, Mass -> {MW, Internal}, QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1}, Width -> {WW, 2.085}, PropagatorLabel -> "GP", PropagatorType -> D, PropagatorArrow -> None, PDG -> 251, ParticleName -> "G+", AntiParticleName -> "G-", FullName -> "GP" }, (* Higgs : physical states*) S[1] == { ClassName -> H, SelfConjugate -> True, Mass -> {MH, 125.}, Width -> {WH, 1}, PDG -> {25}, PropagatorType -> ScalarDash, PropagatorArrow -> None, PropagatorLabel -> "H", ParticleName -> "H", FullName -> "H" }, S[2] == { ClassName -> S, SelfConjugate -> True, Mass -> {MS, 250.}, Width -> {WS, 0.407}, PropagatorLabel -> "S", PropagatorType -> D, PropagatorArrow -> None, ParticleName -> "S", FullName -> "S" } };