(***************** This is the FeynRules model file for Higgs effective couplings to gluons and photons ***********) (* M$ModelName = "Higgs_Effective_Couplings"; *) (* The loop coefficient *) (****** sert[x_] := 1+ 7/30 x + 2/21 x^2 + 26/525 x^3; serw[xw_, xt_] := 1 + xw * 66/235 +xw^2 * 228/1645 + xw^3 * 696/8225 + xw^4 * 5248/90475 +xw^5 * 1280/29939+ xw^6 * 54528/1646645- xt * 56/705 - xt^2 * 32/987; *******) (***** Parameter list ******) M$ParametersggH = { (****** AH == {TeX -> Subscript[A, H], ParameterType -> Internal, InteractionOrder -> {HIW, 1}, Value -> ee^2/4/Pi/(Pi*vev)*(47/18)*serw[(MH/2/MW)^2, (MH/2/MT)^2]}, GH == {TeX -> Subscript[G, H], ParameterType -> Internal, InteractionOrder -> {HIG, 1}, Value -> -gs^2/4/Pi/(3*Pi*vev)*sert[(MH/2/MT)^2] } *******) AAH == {TeX -> Subscript[AA, H], ParameterType -> External, InteractionOrder -> {HIW, 1}, Value -> 1.0 * 10^(-3), Description -> "Effective AAH coupling" }, GGH == {TeX -> Subscript[GG, H], ParameterType -> External, InteractionOrder -> {HIG, 1}, Value -> 1.0 * 10^(-3), Description -> "Effective GGH coupling" } } (******* Lagrangian *******) (* CP even operators *) LCPEven := - 1/4 FS[G, mu, nu, b] FS[G, mu, nu, b] GGH ( cosalf H + sinalf S ) - 1/4 FS[A, mu, nu] FS[A, mu, nu] AAH ( cosalf H + sinalf S );