(**************** Parameters *************) M$Parameters = { (* External parameters *) \[Alpha]EWM1== { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> SMINPUTS, ParameterName -> aEWM1, InteractionOrder -> {QED, -2}, Value -> 127.9, Description -> "Inverse of the electroweak coupling constant"}, Gf == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> SMINPUTS, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2}, Value -> 1.16639 * 10^(-5), Description -> "Fermi constant"}, \[Alpha]S == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> SMINPUTS, ParameterName -> aS, InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2}, Value -> 0.118, Description -> "Strong coupling constant at the Z pole."}, (* MZ == { *) (* TeX -> Subscript[M, Z], *) (* ParameterType -> External, *) (* Value -> 91.1876, *) (* Description -> "Z mass"}, *) (* Yukawa masses *) ymdo == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 1, Value -> 0, Description -> "Down Yukawa mass" }, ymup == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 2, Value -> 0, Description -> "Up Yukawa mass" }, yms == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 3, Value -> 0, Description -> "Strange Yukawa mass" }, ymc == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 4, Value -> 0, Description -> "Charm Yukawa mass" }, ymb == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 5, Value -> 4.7, Description -> "Bottom Yukawa mass" }, ymt == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 6, Value -> 172, Description -> "Top Yukawa mass" }, yme == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 11, Value -> 0, Description -> "Electron Yukawa mass" }, ymm == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 13, Value -> 0, Description -> "Muon Yukawa mass" }, ymtau == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> YUKAWA, OrderBlock -> 15, Value -> 1.777, Description -> "Tau Yukawa mass" }, (* Internal Parameters *) \[Alpha]EW == { TeX -> Subscript[\[Alpha], EW], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> 1/\[Alpha]EWM1, ParameterName -> aEW, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2}, Description -> "Electroweak coupling contant"}, MW == { TeX -> Subscript[M, W], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> Sqrt[MZ^2/2+Sqrt[MZ^4/4-Pi/Sqrt[2]*\[Alpha]EW/Gf*MZ^2]], Description -> "W mass"}, sw2 == { ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> 1-(MW/MZ)^2, Description -> "Squared Sin of the Weinberg angle"}, ee == { TeX -> e, ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> Sqrt[4 Pi \[Alpha]EW], InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, Description -> "Electric coupling constant"}, cw == { TeX -> Subscript[c, w], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> Sqrt[1 - sw2], Description -> "Cos of the Weinberg angle"}, sw == { TeX -> Subscript[s, w], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> Sqrt[sw2], Description -> "Sin of the Weinberg angle"}, gw == { TeX -> Subscript[g, w], ParameterType -> Internal, Definitions -> { gw -> ee/sw }, Value -> ee / sw, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, Description -> "Weak coupling constant"}, g1 == { TeX -> Subscript[g, 1], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> ee / cw, Definitions -> { g1 -> ee/cw }, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, Description -> "U(1)Y coupling constant"}, gs == { TeX -> Subscript[g, s], ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> Sqrt[4 Pi \[Alpha]S], InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1}, ParameterName -> G, Description -> "Strong coupling constant"}, vev == { ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> 2*MW*sw/ee, Definitions -> { vev -> 2*MW*sw/ee}, InteractionOrder -> {QED, -1}, Description -> "Higgs VEV"}, sev == { ParameterType -> Internal, Value -> vev/tgb, Definitions -> { sev -> vev/tgb }, InteractionOrder -> {QED, -1}, Description -> "Singlet VEV"}, (* CKM sector *) cabi == { ParameterType -> External, BlockName -> CKMBLOCK, OrderBlock -> 1, (* Value -> 0.227736, *) Value -> 0, TeX -> Subscript[\[Theta], c], Description -> "Cabibbo angle" }, CKM == { ParameterType -> Internal, Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]}, Definitions -> {CKM[i_,i_] -> 1, CKM[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i =!= j)}, Unitary -> True, Value -> {CKM[1,1] -> Cos[cabi], CKM[1,2] -> Sin[cabi], CKM[1,3] -> 0, CKM[2,1] -> -Sin[cabi], CKM[2,2] -> Cos[cabi], CKM[2,3] -> 0, CKM[3,1] -> 0, CKM[3,2] -> 0, CKM[3,3] -> 1}, TeX -> Superscript[V,CKM], Description -> "CKM-Matrix"}, (* Yukawa Matrices *) yu == { ParameterType -> Internal, Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]}, Definitions -> {yu[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i =!= j)}, Value -> {yu[1,1] -> Sqrt[2] ymup/vev, yu[2,2] -> Sqrt[2] ymc/vev, yu[3,3] -> Sqrt[2] ymt/vev}, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, ParameterName -> {yu[1,1] -> yup, yu[2,2] -> yc, yu[3,3] -> yt}, TeX -> Superscript[y, u], Description -> "Up-type Yukawa couplings" }, yd == { ParameterType -> Internal, Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]}, Definitions -> {yd[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i =!= j)}, Value -> {yd[1,1] -> Sqrt[2] ymdo/vev, yd[2,2] -> Sqrt[2] yms/vev, yd[3,3] -> Sqrt[2] ymb/vev}, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, ParameterName -> {yd[1,1] -> ydo, yd[2,2] -> ys, yd[3,3] -> yb}, TeX -> Superscript[y, d], Description -> "Down-type Yukawa couplings" }, yl == { ParameterType -> Internal, Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]}, Definitions -> {yl[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i =!= j)}, Value -> {yl[1,1] -> Sqrt[2] yme / vev, yl[2,2] -> Sqrt[2] ymm / vev, yl[3,3] -> Sqrt[2] ymtau / vev}, InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1}, ParameterName -> {yl[1,1] -> ye, yl[2,2] -> ym, yl[3,3] -> ytau}, TeX -> Superscript[y, l], Description -> "Lepton Yukawa couplings" } };