LISTA DEI CORSI DI DOTTORATO (Ph.D. Courses) SEGUITI Anno Accademico 2007/2008 | Codice | Corso |(Docente) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)| 01 |Introduction to perturbative QCD |(Boglione) 2)| 06 |S.M. Physics at accelerators and MC Techniques |(Accomando) 3)| 09 |Data Acquisition Techniques |(Gallio-Navarra) 4)| 11 |Mixing and CP Violation |(Bianchi) 5)| 13 |Data Analysis Techniques |(Ramello) 6)| 16 |Trigger and DAQ in particle physics experiments|(Innocenti) 7)| 22 |Calorimetry in particle physics experiments |(Arcidiacono) 8)| 08 |Lectures on Neutrino Physics |(Giunti-Fornengo) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSES DESCRIPTIONS Title 01 - Introduction to Perturbative QCD Prof. Maria Elena Boglione - Hours 25 Period 10 11 14 16 18 21 22 23 28 30 April 2008 Prerequisites Basic knowledge of Quantum Field Theory and undergraduate-level Elementary Particle Physics. Goals Introduce the basic tools of perturbative QCD and illustrate their usage in the phenomenology of strong interactions at high energy. Programme * History of QCD: from hadron spectra to the color quantum number * History of QCD: Deep Inelastic scattering and the parton model * Applications of the parton model: the Drell-Yan process, electron-positron annihilation, phenomenology of parton distributions. * QCD as a field theory: nonabelian gauge invariance. * QCD as a field theory: derivation of the Feynman rules * QCD as a field theory: basics of renormalization and the running coupling * Infrared and collinear divergences in QCD: physical origin, KLN theorem cancellation and factorization * Electron-positron annihilation at one loop * Soft approximation and angular ordering * Collinear factorization and Altarelli Parisi evolution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 06 - Standard Model physics at accelerators and Monte Carlo techniques Prof. Elena Accomando Hours 20 Period March-April Prerequisites Goals Programme * Introduction: Monte Carlo programs and Event Generators in high energy physics. Theoretical calculations and their use in the simulation of particle scattering, and for efficiency estimates and data analysis. * Classification and topology of Monte Carlo programs: Comparison between semi-analitical programs and event generators. Strenght and limitations of the two approaches, and discussion on their applicability. * Key ingredients of Monte Carlo programs: * Feynman diagrams and matrix elements - Most recent and advanced formalisms for the computation of matrix elements. * Phase space - Computational methods for a N-particle phase space. Matrix elements can be characterized by a high number of different resonant structures. How to obtain a convergent and efficient integration. Integration variables and multi-mapping. * Integration - Commonly used integration algorithms: adaptive routines and multichannel strategy. * Event generation at parton level. Hit-or-miss method and efficiency in generation. * Parton Shower * Fragmentation and hadronization. * Most commonly used generators: * PYTHIA and HERWIG. * What to know to use them in aware and critical way. * Approximations they work in, and corresponding applicability limits. * Radiative corrections and NLO Monte Carlo * Open problems and questions. Matching of matrix elements and parton shower, and possible recipes. * Realistic applications: Leading Pole approximation and the W-mass measurement at LEP2. What about LHC? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 08 - Lectures on neutrino physics Prof. Carlo Giunti, Nicolao Fornengo Hours 10 Period 16, 17, 18, 19 April 2007: h. 14-16 aula V piano 20 April 2007: h. 10-12 aula V piano Prerequisites Goals Programme * Theory of neutrino masses and mixing - Dirac mass * Majorana mass - Three-neutrino mixing * Neutrino oscillations in vacuum - C, P, T symmetries * Two-neutrino oscillations * Neutrino oscillations in matter - Matter potentials - MSW effect * Neutrino oscillation experiments - Solar neutrinos * Atmospheric neutrinos - Terrestrial experiments * Phenomenology of three-neutrino mixing - Oscillations in vacuum - Matter effects * Global analysis of oscillation data * Absolute scale of neutrino masses - Beta decay - Neutrinoless double-beta decay * Relic neutrinos /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 09 - Data Acquisition tecniques Prof. M. Gallio - G. Navarra - Hours 10 + 15 in lab Period May Prerequisites Il corso e' consigliato agli studenti che nel loro corso di laurea non abbiano mai utilizzato o contatori a scintillazione o contatori a gas. L'esperienza in laboratorio e' a scelta la misura del tempo di volo di raggi cosmici (Gianni) o la misura della direzione dei raggi cosmici rispetto alla verticale (Mauro) Goals The course provides an overview of the techniques of the trigger and the data acquisition used in the experiments in High Energy Physics. These techniques will be implemented in the preparation of a small experiment using cosmic rays. Programme * From the detector signals to the written data on tapes: - signal transmission, signal shaping - digitization - bus used in data acquisition (CAMAC,VME) - event builder, buffer management and data recording * Examples in H.E.P. experiments at colliders * Charge and time measurements * Preparation of a small experiment with scintillation counters in the lab * Applications to a cosmic ray physics measurement ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 11 - Mixing and CP violation Prof. Fabrizio Bianchi Hours 12 Period Apr 2008 Prerequisites Goals The aim of the course is a) to give the students an understanding of the subject matter adequate for reading scientific articles on mixing and CP violation. b) to teach the students how mixing and CP violation results are extracted from measured data. c) to have the students gain experience in how to make oral presentations. Programme * Overview of the Standard Model * CKM matrix and Unitarity Triangle * Flavor Physics in e+e- vs pp collisions * The BaBar detector * CP violation * CP violation in mixing * Direct CP violation * CP violation in interference between mixing and decay * Measurement of the angle beta of the UT (with analysis details) * Measurement of the angle alpha of the UT and the Isospin analysis * Measurement of the angle gamma * Semileptonic B decays and measurement of V_ub e V_cb * D mixing Bibliography - Y. Nir, "CP violation in and beyond the Standard Model" Proceedings of the Slac Summer Institute of 1999 ( - R. Waldi, "Lectures on Flavor Oscillations and CP violation within the Standard Model" ( - D. McFarlane, "Mixing and time-dependent CP Asymmentries in e+e- Annihilation", Proceedings of the 30th SLAC Summer Institute ( ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 13 - Data Analysis Techniques Prof. Luciano Ramello Hours 20 Period weeks 26-28/3, 7-11/4 and 14-18/4/2008, dates to be specified Prerequisites Goals Programme Monte Carlo methods * Random number generation * Examples about simulation of simple physical phenomena Statistical methods * Maximum Likelihood (M.L.) method * Parameter evaluation (fit) by the Chi2 and the M.L. methods * Hypothesis testing Bibliography For the numerical applications it is foreseen to use mathematical and statistical routines of the CERN Program Library, which are accessible from programs written in FORTRAN / C / C++ (a simple template will be provided), including the minimization program MINUIT. The PAW and/or ROOT packages may be used to present results of simulations and of statistical analysis. In alternative to the CERN Program Library, it is possible to use the algorithms described in "Numerical Recipes" or other libraries of algorithms. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 16 - Trigger and Data Acquisition in Particle Physics Experiments Prof. Pier Giorgio Innocenti (CERN) Hours 14 Period 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 june 2008 Aula Fubini, 5 floor, h.14-16(?) Prerequisites Goals The lectures describe components and techniques used in trigger and DAQ systems skipping details of software technology Programme * Introduction * Features of signals produced by particle detectors * Signal treatment * Signal transmission * Simple trigger logic * Classification of trigger methods * Organisation of a multi-level trigger * Elements of queueing theory * System reliability * Switching technology * Event building * Processor architectures * Pattern recognition methods * Data compression, lossless and lossy * Data storage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title 22 - Calorimetry in particle physics experiments Prof. R. Arcidiacono Hours 16 Period 28/4/2008 - 9/5/2008 Prerequisites Goals Programme * The physics of calorimetry * Detector response, energy resolution and position measurement * Calorimeter design principles * Front-end and trigger readout electronics * Electromagnetic calorimeters * Hadronics calorimeters * Calibration techniques * Some examples