• V. Sola et al.

    Characterisation of the first compensated LGADs from FBK before and after irradiation

    13th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors – HSTD13, Vancouver (Canada), plenary talk

  • V. Sola et al.

    RD50 Project proposal:
    Partial Activation of Boron to enhance the radiation tolerance of the gain implant – PAB

    42st RD50 Workshop, Tivat (Montenegro), plenary talk

  • V. Sola et al.

    Characterisation of the EXFLU1 batch from FBK

    42st RD50 Workshop, Tivat (Montenegro), plenary talk

  • V. Sola et al.

    Thin Silicon Sensors for Precise Timing at Very High Fluences

    13th Workshop on Picosecond Timing Detectors – FAST 2023, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), plenary talk

  • Advances in LGAD Technology for High Radiation Environments

    18th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Trento (Italy), plenary talk

  • Innovations in the design of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    41st RD50 Workshop, Seville (Spain), plenary talk

  • Innovations in the design of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Milan (Italy), parallel talk

  • Observation and characterisation of the charge screening effect in LGAD

    40th RD50 Workshop, CERN (Switzerland), plenary talk

  • Present status and future perspectives of the Endcap Timing Layer for the CMS MTD

    15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors – PM2021, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba (Italy), poster

  • Present and future development of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    17th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Friburg (Virtual), plenary talk

  • Present and future development of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    VCI2022 – The 16th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Wien – Online, plenary talk

  • Present and future development of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    39th RD50 Workshop, Valencia (Spain), plenary talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors irradiated to extreme fluence

    2021 Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, parallel talk

  • Systematic study of heavily irradiated LGAD stability using the Fermilab Test Beam Facility

    Workshop on Pico-Second Timing Detectors for Physics and Medical Applications, Zurich (Switzerland), plenary talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors irradiated to extreme fluence

    PSD12: The 12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), plenary talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors irradiated to extreme fluence

    38th RD50 Workshop, Online, plenary talk

  • Weigthfield2: a friendly simulator for Silicon detectors

    Journées thématiques du Réseau Semi-conducteurs IN2P3-IRFU – Méthodes de test orientées simulation, IP2I Lyon – Virtual, plenary talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors irradiated to extreme fluence

    5th Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics - TIPP 2021, Virtual, parallel talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    37th RD50 Workshop, Zagreb - Online, plenary talk

  • First results from thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences

    Virtual 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Boston (USA), parallel talk

  • Precision Timing with the CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer for HL-LHC

    The 30th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors – Vertex 2020, Virtual, invited talk

  • Fluence profiling at JSI TRIGA reactor irradiation facility

    36th RD50 Workshop, CERN – Online, plenary talk

  • Silicon Sensors for Extreme Fluences

    15th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Wien (Austria), plenary talk

  • Interpad optimisation strategies on LGAD manufactured at FBK

    35th RD50 Workshop, CERN (Switzerland), plenary talk

  • Next-Generation Tracking System for Future Hadron Colliders

    The 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors – Vertex 2019, Lopud Island (Croatia), invited talk

  • Precise Timing Measurement for the CMS Upgrade and Beyond

    New Trends in High-Energy Physics, Odessa (Ukraine), invited talk

  • Characterisation of 50 μm thick LGAD manufactured by FBK and HPK

    14th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Trento (Italy), plenary talk

  • Fast Timing Detectors towards a 4-Dimensional Tracking

    ICHEP2018 - XXXIX International Conference on High Energy Physics, Seoul (South Korea), parallel talk

  • Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes for Precision Timing in the CMS Endcap

    Workshop on Pico-Second Timing Detectors for Physics and Medical Applications, Torino (Italy), plenary talk

  • The CT-PPS project: detector hardware, operational experience and prospects for 2018

    12th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Munich (Germany), plenary talk

  • First production of 50 μm thick Ultra-Fast Silicon detectors at FBK

    11th International Hiroshima Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Okinawa (Japan), plenary talk

  • The CT-PPS project

    Low x 2017, Bisceglie (Italy), plenary talk

  • Laboratory measurement and progress in Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes

    30th RD50 Workshop, Krakow (Poland), plenary talk

  • Development of Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors for 4D tracking

    IPRD16, Siena (Italy), plenary talk

  • UFSD for CT-PPS timing: status and development

    3rd Elba Workshop on Forward Physics @ LHC Energy, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), invited talk

  • Test Beam results on Read-Out Chip PSI46dig

    FSP-CMS Meeting, DESY Hamburg (Germany), parallel talk

  • Searches for SUSY in final states with photons at CMS

    FSP-CMS Meeting, DESY Hamburg (Germany), parallel talk

  • Searches for SUSY in Final States with Photons at CMS

    SUSY Workshop 2013 "Physics at the Terascale", DESY Hamburg (Germany), plenary talk

  • Searches for SUSY in Final States with Photons at CMS

    Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden (Germany), parallel talk

  • Searches for SUSY in final states with photons at CMS

    Lake Louise Winter Institute, Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta (Canada), plenary talk

  • Searches for SUSY in final states with photons at CMS

    6th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", DESY Hamburg (Germany), parallel talk

  • SUSY searches with one photon at CMS

    FSP-CMS Meeting, DESY Zeuthen (Germany), parallel talk

  • Combined Measurement of the Inclusive Diffractive Cross Sections at HERA

    DIS 2012, Bonn (Germany), parallel talk

  • Combined Measurement of the Inclusive Diffractive Cross Sections at HERA

    PANIC11, MIT, Cambridge (USA), parallel talk

  • Combined Measurement of the Inclusive Diffractive Cross Sections at HERA

    IFAE 2011, Perugia (Italiy), plenary talk

  • The Pomeron and vector mesons at HERA

    Excited QCD, Les Houches (France), invited talk

  • Calibration of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter with first LHC data

    12th ICATPP Conference, Como (Italy), poster

  • Diffraction at HERA

    Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile (Italy), plenary talk

  • Structure Functions and PDF of the Proton at HERA

    XCV Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari (Italy), parallel talk