JetDynamics is an ERC funded research project which aims to develop new technology that can overcome the current theoretical bottlenecks that prevent a deep exploration into the fundamental forces at the LHC.


On these pages you will find some information about our progress - if you have any questions we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch via contact details below.

Top Figure: A multi-jet jet event from the compact muon solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC. This event has, an amazing, 12 hard jets of strongly interacting radiation identified. [original source]

Left Figure: ‘Building amplitudes from on-shell building blocks’ a schematic figure showing one of the ways we can break down the computational complexity by exploiting simplicity in four dimensions and avoiding traditional bottlenecks.

The JetDynamics project began at Durham University but has now found a new home at the University of Turin. We continue to build on the strong ties between the Collider phenomenology group in Torino and the Institute of Particle Physics Phenomenology in Durham.