
A.N. Kolmogorov
(Our Master)

A satisfactory theory of the small scale statistics of fully developed turbulence is one of the most challenging problem in theoretical physics with clear interest for many applicative issues, e.g. geophysics and engineering.

The traditional description of turbulence (as summarized in the monograph by A.S. Monin and A.M. Yaglom Statistical Fluid Mechanics Vol. 1 and 2, MIT Press (1971,1975)) employs statistical methods, truncation schemes in the form of approximate closure theories and phenomenological models (e.g. Kolmogorov's theories of 1941 and 1962).

A complementary point of view is to regard the Navier-Stokes equations, or other partial differential equations describing turbulent systems, as a deterministic dynamical system and to regard the turbulence as a manifestation of deterministic chaos.

It was surprizing that concepts from low dimensional dynamical systems, even seemingly abstract mathematical devices like iterated maps, could be used to describe systems as complicated as unsteady fluids. For fluids under severe constraints, i.e. the experiments on Rayleigh-B\'enard convection in small cells, the success was undisputed. For the understanding of turbulence, however, the success has been more limited. Turbulence, which implies spatial as well as temporal disorder, cannot be reduced to a low-dimensional system, and thus a large part of the theory of dynamical systems, in particular regarding bifurcation structures and symbolic dynamics, becomes basically inapplicable.

Moreover in the case of fully developed turbulence the direct simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations is prohibitively difficult due to the large range of relevant length scales, it is thus important to introdoce and study simplified models.

It is important to note that the dynamical models employed to describe turbulent states are not low-dimensional. In flows with high Reynolds numbers or in chaotic systems of large spatial extent, the number of relevant degrees of freedom is very large, and our primary interest is to explore properties that are well-defined in the thermodynamic limit, where the system size (or Reynolds number) becomes very large.

Some of the main concepts and characteristics of this approach to turbulence are: