WeightField2 User Guide


Description of the program in two pages - 1 - 2

Description of the second column:

Save Load:

you can save  and load a configuration file.

Detector Properties:

Type, Doping Type: self explanatory

Dimensions: self explanatory (the number of strips needs to be odd)


Gain implant: select the doping type. it has effects only when irradiation is turned on.

Gain models: differences explained in the Sentaurus manual. Use Massey as default.

Gain implant peak doping:  this is the doping of the gain layer. It’s a bit tricky, but keep it a value around 4-5

Force Fixed Gain: the value of gain is fixed to the value requested, the dependance from VBias is removed

Gain recess: the  gain layer is set to be smaller than the electrode by xx micron


Bias, Depletion: self explanatory.


Top, back: The generated current can be referred to the middle top electrode or to the backplane electrode.

AC: this is a beta feature, do not use it.


The output is shown in the Electronics tab

ON: it turns on the simulation, it appears in the tab “Electronics”

Detector Cap: self explanatory.

Oscilloscope: parameters of the Oscilloscope shown in the “Currents and Oscilloscope” tab

CSA xxx: parameters of the Charge Sensitive Amplifier shown in the “Electronics” tab

TI xxx: parameters of the Trans-Impedance Amplifier shown in the “Electronics” tab