Luisa Ostorero

Assistant Professor



Since A.Y. 2022-23

Dark matter tensions on the scale of galaxies - Doctoral School - PhD in Physics

Since A.Y. 2012-13

Fundamentals of Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmic Structures (MFN1511) - Master Program in Physics

Since A.A. 2018-19

Astronomy (MFN1083) - Bachelor Program in Natural Sciences

From A.Y. 20102-13 to A.Y. 2017-18

Group tutoring for the course of Waves, fluids and thermodinamics (MFN0534) - Bachelor Program in Physics

From A.Y. 2006-07 to A.Y. 2009-10

Teaching assistant for the Course of Physics and Mathematics (f003-c501) - Master Program in Pharmacy

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