The Chacaltaya neutron monitor is a standard 12NM-64 detector with boron triflouride (BF3) counter tubes, in operation since 1966.
The number of counts of each tube are recorded every 10 seconds.
The average total counting rate is about 2000 counts/s.

The neutron monitor counting rate is locally modulated by the atmospheric pressure.
When the pressure is high, cosmic ray particles are more absorbed by the atmosphere, then less neutrons reach the ground.
A pressure increase of one hPa causes the neutron dose to decrease by about 0.75%, and vice versa.

Chacaltaya neutron monitor counting rate percent variation
Last 10 days

Chacaltaya neutron monitor counting rate percent variation
Last 27 days (pressure corrected)

Chacaltaya neutron monitor counting rate percent variation - 12 counters
Last 10 days (pressure corrected)

Chacaltaya neutron monitor counting rate percent variation - 12 counters
Last 10 days (raw data - pressure uncorrected - not cleaned)

CHACALTAYA and TESTA GRIGIA neutron monitor counting rate percent variation
Last 27 days (pressure corrected)