Socrates Socrates

Information for Erasmus/Socrates Students

What to do when you arrive


If you are an ERASMUS student, you should enrol within 2 days of arriving. The office will instruct students on how to obtain student status at Torino and fulfill all police and other requirements.
You will need:

Even if it not compulsory we advise you to get

The office will issue declarations certifying your enrolment. Use them to obtain If you are eligible, take this declaration to the offices of the ATM (Torino Transport Company) together with your identity card or passport and 1 photograph.


ERASMUS students must bring an E111 emergency medical treatment form with them in order to be entitled to the services provided by the Italian Health Service. The E111 form must be requested from your home country's health service, before you leave home. When you arrive in Torino, you should hand it into an office of the A.S.L. (Azienda Sanitaria Locale - Local Health Authority). There are several A.S.L. offices all over Torino. You should ask the A.S.L. office nearest to where you live for a "Carnet della Salute". This document will entitle you to free medical assistance, i.e. medical day hospital, hospital treatment and prescriptions.